Student Resources » Library


Performing a kamishibai for students at SRES. Kamishibai is a wonderful Japanese storytelling art that I have incorporated into my teaching for many years.
SRES Library Goals
  • Generating and building excitement about reading
  • Developing research skills in young children
  • Opening a range of genres to students' imaginations
  • Providing guidance for conversation and projects about key aspects of childrens' literature
  • Opening the world through stories and informational texts

Kindergarteners learn Mother Goose nursery rhymes, practicing the rhythmic language together with body motions and reading them in a number of Nursery Rhyme books.  The kindergarten children also explore:

  • how to choose books that interest them

  • how to care for books in school and at home

  • how returning books is important to themselves and their friends

  • how the library is organized and how this helps them find books

  • books that make them laugh


In Grades 1 and 2, students learn
  • how the library is set up, and where and how materials are stored

  • Nonfiction by call numbers

  • Fiction organized alphabetically by author

  • Picture books and easy reader books organized alphabetically by author  

  • how to use the digital search system to search for books and find topics and titles that may be new to the students

  • how to physically search for books using the information they are learning. These are complex skills that will be refined as the year progresses and as they move through the grades.

  • author studies

In Grades 3 and 4, students 
  • practice and refine all lessons introduced in grades 1 and 2 about the physical and digital layout of the library, with increasing complexity

  • develop their tastes and preferences for media genres

  • explore new genres with guidance and encouragement

  • author and subject studies

All SRES students participate in library Maker Space activities. The Maker Space materials include paper, small boxes, glue, scissors, pipe cleaners, old magazines, marble runs, “Bee Bot” robots, origami and many other materials to choose from, experiment with and use creatively. During Maker Space time younger children work together cooperatively, expand their oral language skills (which are the underpinnings of reading and writing) while they talk and plan together, and practice hand-eye motor skills. During this time the older students work cooperatively and on solo projects, often using library reference books for ideas and inspiration. All while having fun in the library!